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2021 Campaign

Incentives for Donors


·        Parking spot up close at work

·        Afternoon off from work

·        Lunch with the boss

·        Golf, tennis, bowling, etc. with the boss

·        Jeans Day

·        Recycled/revolving award or certificate

·        Weekend hotel accommodations

·        Restaurant certificates

·        Movie/game/play tickets

·        Sweatshirt recognizing employee as donor (allowed to wear to work)

·        Music lessons (piano, voice, guitar, etc.)

·        Day off with pay

·        Share of stock

·        Extended lunches and/or breaks

·        Extra breaks

·        Free babysitting

·        Snooze day (allowed to come in late)

·        Vacation day on birthday

·        Golf with the boss

·        Open soda machine in break room if company reaches group goal

·        Home baked cookies each month

·        Plant or flowers every month

·        Corporate frequent flyer certificates

·        Help with yard work

·        Use of pool – hold party with friends (food and beverages provided)

·        Limo ride with a restaurant certificate

·        Paid day off to volunteer at a United Way agency

·        Professional massage

·        YMCA membership for a year

·        Lottery tickets

·        Oil change

·        Haircut/manicure/facial/pedicure

·        Autographed memorabilia

·        Dog washed by boss or co-worker

·        Car washed by boss or co-worker

·        Homemade afghan, quilt, etc.

·        Framed artwork for office or work area

·        Have a secretary for a day

·        Leave 1 hour early/come in 1 hour late

·        Office redecorated or cleaned

·        Shopping spree in company store

·        Switch jobs with the boss for a day

·        Pizza party if group meets goal

·        Coffee and doughnuts if group meets goal

·        If a department has 100% participation, give them more money towards office Christmas party

·        Round of Golf

·        Gas and car wash certificates

·        If you have fleet maintenance, have them do car maintenance

·        Give a new item each year in a series as a giveaway for fair share givers

·        Bring in a comedian, magician or a musician to perform if goal is met 

·        Early dismissal on Friday

·        Bring in catered lunch for all those who gave their Fair Share or if a whole department has 100% participation

·        Drawing for first-time givers

·        Prizes for doing pledge early

*If you are a small organization, see if you can get businesses or board members to donate items as prizes.  If board members have season tickets to sporting events, theater, concerts, etc. see if they will give up a night.

Our Impact In 2022/2023

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  • PWC Logo 2020

  • City Logo 2021
    City Logo 2021
  • Cumberland County Logo 2020
    Cumberland County Logo 2020
  • United Way Membership
    United Way Membership
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